Software Overview
Interfacing the TLV1562 Parallel ADC to the TMS320C54x DSP
isr_save .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; memory location to save AR7 during
; interrupts
ADSAMPLE .usect ”.variabl”, 1 ; last read sample from the ADC
* Address Decoder constants:
ADC .set 00002h ; activate A0 when TLV1562 is choosen
RD_CALIBRATION .set 00001h ; activate A1 when CSTART is choosen
DAC1 .set 00003h ; activate A2 when DAC1 is choosen
DEACTIVE .set 00000h ; deactivate the address lines A0, A1 and A2
SAVE_INTO_MEMORY .set 00000h ; store the samples into DSP memory
SEND_OUT_SERIAL .set 00000h ; store the last sample allways into serial buffer memory
SEND_OUT_PARALLEL.set 00001h ; store the last sample allways into DAC1
R10BIT_RESOLUT .set 00001h ; use maximum resolution of 10-bit
R8BIT_RESOLUT .set 00000h ; use 8-Bit resolution
R4BIT_RESOLUT .set 00000h ; use fastest mode (4-Bit resolution)
INTERNAL_CLOCK .set 00001h ; use the internal clock of the ADC
EXTERNAL_CLOCK .set 00000h ; use the external clock of the ADC
DIFF_INPUT_MODE .set 00000h ; use differential mode instead of single ended inputs
IME_CALIBRATION .set 00000h ; do an Internal Midscale Error Calibration
SME_CALIBRATION .set 00000h ; do a System Midscale Error Calibration
.sect ”.text”
* disable IRQ, sign extension mode, ini Stack
INTM = 1 ; disable IRQ
SXM = 0 ; no sign extension mode
; SP = #0280h ; initialize Stack pointer
* initialize waitstates:
DP = #00000h ; point to page zero
@SWWSR = #01000h ; one I/O wait states
* copy interrupt routine, which are not critical for the EVM to the IRQ table location:
* this is required for the DSKplus kit but has to be changed on other platforms
DP = #1 ; point to page 1 (IRQ vector table)
AR7 = #00200h
data(0084h) = *AR7+ ; copy the NMI vector
AR7 = #00240h
data(00C0h) = *AR7+ ; copy INT0, INT1,...
* clear all memory locations of the sampling table (table, where the samples will be stored)
DP = #AD_DP ;
@TEMP = #00000h ;
Содержание TLV1562
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