High-Level TLK10232 Device Configuration
The red pushbutton controls located on the various windows, such as the Reset TLK10232 Channel
Datapath button on the Operation Mode window, cause an immediate write of that register. Other modes
such as the 10G modes allow for a reset of the Channel TXFIFO and RXFIFOs, and the 10G-KR, 1G-KX,
and Auto Negotiation modes have a pushbutton to restart the Auto Negotiation procedure immediately
Figure 8
). Depending on which button is pressed, the saved register values may or may not be affected
and reset. The GUI only resets the saved values if the register values are reset in hardware based upon
the action committed by that particular pushbutton.
Figure 8. TLK10232 EVM GUI High-Level Device Immediate Action Pushbuttons
After changing the various control fields and all settings are saved into the GUI’s memory, apply the
updated settings to the TLK10232. The TLK10232 EVM GUI configures the device based upon a text file
script. This script can be modified and loaded for any various specific or optimized use case and prevents
the GUI from having a single hard-coded provisioning sequence. By implementing the use of this script,
the provisioning sequence can be easily modified and adjusted without requiring the creation and
deployment of a full software revision. A general provisioning file has been created and loaded by default
that configures all writable registers of the TLK10232 device when executed. Also provided in the
installation are several mode-specific scripts that only write to the registers valid in the particular operating
mode. Selecting one of these scripts may reduce the configuration time slightly because fewer registers
are being written every time the script is executed.
SLLU181 – June 2013
TLK10232 Dual-Channel XAUI/10GBASE-KR Transceiver with Crosspoint
Evaluation Module (EVM) Graphical Users Interface User’s Guide
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