3 Test Setup
shows the typical parameters for TLC6984 EVM.
Table 3-1. TLC6984EVM Parameters
VCC device supply voltage
2.5–5.5 V
VLEDR/G/B supply voltage
2.5–5.5 V
ICH constant output source current
0.2–20 mA
The TLC6984EVM can be setup and tested by following these steps:
1. USB power supply
a. Download the code to MSP430F5529 LaunchPad with TI CCS software.
b. Connect boosterpack connectors (J1, J2 on EVM board) with the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad.
shows the connection method.
c. Disconnect J4 jumpers (5 V/ 3V3) block, connect J5 jumper, and connect J3 with the mini-USB cable
(the same cable with the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad).
2. External power supply
a. Download the code to MSP430F5529 LaunchPad with TI CCS software.
b. Connect boosterpack connectors (J1, J2 on EVM board) with the MSP430F5529 LaunchPad.
shows the connection method.
c. Disconnect J4 jumpers (5 V/ 3V3), connect J5 jumper, and connect TP1/TP2 to 5V/GND power source.
d. Power on 5 V/GND power supply.
Figure 3-1. TLC6984EVM and MSP430F5529 LaunchPad
Connector Pinout
Test Setup
TLC6984 48 × 16 Common Cathode Matrix LED Display Driver Evaluation
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