Using the GUI Software
SLOU481A – August 2017 – Revised October 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TAS5755MEVM Evaluation Module
Using EQ Function
The Bi-Quad registers in the TAS5755M can be programmed for EQ and other signal processing
applications using the BQ blocks on the GUI. Commonly used signal processing functions are EQ, Treble-
Shelf, Bass-Shelf, Low-pass, and high-pass filters. In particular, the EQ function can be used to equalize
(hence the name EQ) the non-ideal frequency response of the speaker. The BQ blocks on the GUI are
highlighted in
Figure 14. TAS57xx GUI EQ Blocks
When a BQ-block is selected on the GUI by using a single mouse click, the device registers associated
with that particular BQ block are displayed in the properties window. Double-Clicking on the BQ-block,
opens the
Filter Creation Tool for TAS570x
window. The
shows the filter-creation window
corresponding to block BQ1, where eight bi-quad registers are available for programming. Each of these
can be independently programmed by using the corresponding entry fields. The default setting for all bi-
quads is
mode. The different filter options available are seen in the drop-down menu in
The frequency and phase response of the filters can be viewed using the frequency and phase response
tabs of the filter tool. Finally, when the
button is clicked, the bi-quad registers of the device are
updated with the programmed settings.
Figure 15. EQ-Tool Filter Creation Window