General Device Configuration Tab
shows the "Gen. Device Config" tab.
Figure 9. General Device Configuration Tab
1. Start Sampling Process
Setting this bit causes the application ROM code to start the sampling process of all the sensors that
were selected, based on all of the configurations.
2. LPM3 and LPM4
Selects which power mode is used when the device enters idle mode.
3. Control Battery Switch and Close Battery Switch
Controls the state of the battery switch on the device. To change the state, check "Control Battery
Switch" and then to close the battery switch, check "Close Battery Switch". Otherwise, leave it
unchecked, and the battery switch is set to open. The "Control Battery Switch" option is reset after the
command is executed by the application ROM code.
4. ISO 15693 Send Data
Allows sending of raw ISO/IEC 15693 commands. Disabled in the current version of the GUI.
5. Control Interrupt and Set Interrupt
Controls the state of the external interrupt on the device. To change the state, check "Control
Interrupt", and then to set the interrupt, check "Set Interrupt". Otherwise, leave it unchecked, and the
interrupt and the associated flags are cleared. The "Control Interrupt" option is reset after the
command is executed by the application ROM code. To generate an external interrupt manually with
the GUI, more settings must be done using the "External Interrupt Control"
6. Reset
Causes a PUC (a reset) to be generated on the device. The connection is maintained.
7. Status Register
SLAU607 – December 2014
RF430FRL152HEVM User's Guide
Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated