DSP Public Peripherals
Multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) are configurable, high-speed,
full-duplex serial ports that allow direct interface to external communications
devices. There are three McBSPs on the OMAP5910 device.
McBSP1 and McBSP3 are on the DSP public peripheral bus and are
covered briefly in this chapter.
McBSP2 is on the MPU public peripheral bus and is covered briefly in
Chapter 7, MPU Public Peripherals.
For a detailed description of the functionality of all three McBSPs, see the
TMS320C55x DSP Peripherals Reference Guide (literature number
Key features of the McBSPs include:
Full-duplex communication
DMA support for both RX and TX transfers
Double-buffered data registers, which allow a continuous data stream
Independent framing and clocking for receives and transmits
External shift clock generation or an internal programmable frequency
shift clock
Multichannel transmits and receives of up to 128 channels
A wide selection of data sizes, including 8-, 12-, 16-, 20-, 24-, or 32-bits
-Law and A-Law companding
Data transfers with LSB or MSB first
Programmable polarity for both frame synchronization and data clocks
Highly programmable internal clock and frame generation
Supports bit rates up to 25M bits/second
RX and TX interrupts as well as RX data overrun interrupt