HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443
peripherals (continued)
digital I/O
There is one eight-bit I/O port, Port0, that is implemented (MSP430C311S and MSP430P315S have six bits
available on external pins). Six control registers give maximum digital input/output flexibility to the application:
All individual I/O bits are programmable independently.
Any combination of input, output, and interrupt conditions is possible.
Interrupt processing of external events is fully implemented for all eight bits of port P0.
Provides read/write access to all registers with all instructions
The six registers are:
Input register
8 bits
contains information at the pins
Output register
8 bits
contains output information
Direction register
8 bits
controls direction
Interrupt flags
6 bits
indicates if interrupt(s) are pending
Interrupt edge select
8 bits
contains input signal change necessary for interrupt
Interrupt enable
6 bits
contains interrupt enable bits
All these registers contain eight bits except for the interrupt flag register and the interrupt enable register. The
two least significant bits (LSBs) of the interrupt flag and interrupt enable registers are located in the special
functions register (SFR). Three interrupt vectors are implemented, one for Port0.0, one for Port0.1, and one
commonly used for any interrupt event on Port0.2 to Port0.7. The Port0.1 and Port0.2 pin function is shared with
the 8-bit timer/counter.
LCD drive
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) for static, 2-, 3-, and 4-MUX operations can be driven directly. The controller LCD
logic operation is defined by software using memory-bit manipulation. LCD memory is part of the LCD module
and not part of the data memory. Eight mode and control bits define the operation and current consumption of
the LCD drive. The information for the individual digits can be easily obtained using table programming
techniques combined with the correct addressing mode. The segment information is stored in LCD memory
using instructions for memory manipulation.
The drive capability is mainly defined by the external resistor divider that supports the analog levels for 2-, 3-,
and 4-MUX operation. Groups of the LCD segment lines can be selected for digital output signals. The
MSP430x31x has four common signals and 23 segment lines. The MSP430C311S and MSP430P315S have
four common lines and 16 segment lines.
The Timer/Port module has two 8-bit counters, an input that triggers one counter, and six digital outputs in the
MSP430x31x (MSP430C311S, MSP430C315S have five digital outputs available on external pins) with
high-impedance state capability. Both counters have an independent clock-selector for selecting an external
signal or one of the internal clocks (ACLK or MCLK). One counter has an extended control capability to halt,
count continuously, or gate the counter by selecting one of two external signals. This gate signal sets the
interrupt flag, if an external signal is selected, and the gate stops the counter.
Both timers can be read from and written to by software. The two 8-bit counters can be cascaded to a 16-bit
counter. A common interrupt vector is implemented. The interrupt flag can be set from three events in the 8-bit
counter mode (gate signal, overflow from the counters) or from two events in the 16-bit counter mode (gate
signal, overflow from the MSB of the cascaded counter).