Software Examples
SLAU772A – June 2018 – Revised March 2020
Copyright © 2018–2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
MSP430G2553 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (MSP
Pressing S1 will recalibrate the temperature threshold in this mode. The further the recorded temperature
is from the threshold, the brighter the corresponding LEDs will illuminate.
The user can influence the temperature of the MCU by blowing hot or cold air and observing the changes
in the user LED brightness or see data changes on the GUI.
The demo application uses the on-chip peripherals of the MSP430G2553 MCU such as the 10-bit ADC,
which samples the internal temperature sensor, and 16-bit timers, which drive the PWM to vary brightness
of the LEDs and enable software UART for communication with the PC. The MSP430G2553 offers a USCI
interface that is capable of communicating through UART at up to 2 MBaud, but to be aligned with all the
other MSP430G2xx MCUs, the demo uses the Timer UART implementation, which can be used on all the
other MCUs. This way the demo can be used with any other MSP430G2xx MCU with an integrated ADC,
without any change in the program.
Blink LED Example
This simple software example shows how to software toggle a GPIO to blink an LED on the LaunchPad
development kit.
Source File Structure
The Blink LED project includes one main.c source file (see
Table 8. Source File and Folders
The Blink LED main function
The main code uses register level access code to halt the watchdog timer and to configure and toggle the
P1.0 GPIO pin connected to the LED inside a software loop.
Integrated Development Environments
Although the source files can be viewed with any text editor, more can be done with the projects if they
are opened with a
like Code Composer Studio IDE (CCS) or IAR Embedded
Workbench IDE.
TI Cloud Development Tools
TI's Cloud-based software development tools provide instant access to MSPWare content and a web-
based IDE.
TI Resource Explorer Cloud
TI Resource Explorer Cloud provides a web interface for browsing examples, libraries and documentation
found in MSPWare without having to download files to your local drive.
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