SLAU802 – March 2019
Copyright © 2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
MSP430FR2476 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (LP
In TI Resource Explorer, you can find these examples and many more and can easily import them into
CCS with one click.
FRAM Utilities
Texas Instruments FRAM Utilities
is a collection of embedded software utilities that leverage the ultra-
low-power and virtually unlimited write endurance of FRAM. The utilities are available for
and provide example code to help start application development.
Compute Through Power Loss
Compute Through Power Loss is a utility API set that enables ease of use with LPMx.5 low-power modes
and a powerful shutdown mode that allows an application to save and restore critical system components
when a power loss is detected.
Nonvolatile Storage (NVS)
The nonvolatile storage (NVS) library makes handling of nonvolatile data easy and robust against
intermittent power loss or asynchronous device resets. To keep data storage constant, the nonvolatile
storage library contains functions that store data in a way that is guaranteed to recover the last valid entry
without data corruption.
MSP430FR2476 MCU
Device Documentation
At some point, you will probably want more information about the MSP430FR2476 device. For every MSP
device, the documentation is organized as shown in
Table 8. How MSP Device Documentation is Organized
For MSP430FR2476
Device family
user’s guide
MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx Family
Architectural information about the device, including all modules
and peripherals such as clocks, timers, ADC, and so on
data sheet
Device-specific information and all parametric information for this
MSP430FR2476 Code Examples
MSP430FR267x, MSP430FR247x code examples
is a set of simple C examples that demonstrate how to
use the entire set of peripherals on the MSP430FR2476 MCU, including serial communication, ADC10,
timers, and others, through direct register access. Every MSP derivative has a set of these code
examples. When starting a new project or adding a new peripheral, these examples serve as a great
starting point.
MSP430 Application Notes and TI Designs
Many application notes can be found at
. Also see
for practical
design examples and topics.
Community Resources
TI E2E™ Community
Search the forums at
. If you cannot find your answer, post your question to the community.
Community at Large
Many online communities focus on the LaunchPad development kit—for example,
. You
can find additional tools, resources, and support from these communities.