Software Examples
SLAU678A – March 2016 – Revised April 2016
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
MSP430FR5994 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (MSP
SDCard Log Mode
The SD Card Mode works similarly to the FRAM Log Mode, except that the temperature and voltage data
are stored into .txt files on the SD card. Each time the SDCard Log Mode is started, a new LOG_#.TXT (#
increments for the next file) is created under /root/DATA_LOG/.
Enter and exit SDCard Log Mode the same way that you enter and exit FRAM Log Mode. Click Show
SDCard Data to transfer the data from the most recently created LOG_#.TXT to the PC.
The super cap cannot power the SDCard Log Mode for long periods of time, because the
SDCard consumes significantly more power.
Blink LED Example
This simple software example demonstrates how to software toggle a GPIO to blink an LED on the
LaunchPad kit.
Source File Structure
The project is split into multiple files (see
). This makes it easier to navigate and reuse parts of it
for other projects.
Table 8. Source File and Folders
The Blink LED main function
Library: Driverlib
The main code uses the MSP430 Driver Library to halt the watchdog timer and to configure/toggle the
P1.0 GPIO pin connected to the LED inside a software loop.