SLAU678A – March 2016 – Revised April 2016
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
MSP430FR5994 LaunchPad™ Development Kit (MSP
IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430
IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 is another very powerful integrated development environment that
allows you to develop and manage complete embedded application projects. It integrates the IAR C/C++
Compiler, IAR Assembler, IAR ILINK Linker, editor, project manager, command line build utility, and IAR
C-SPY® Debugger.
Learn more about IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 and download it at
IAR 6.30 or higher is required. To open the demo in IAR, click File>Open>Workspace…, and browse to
the *.eww workspace file inside the \IAR subdirectory of the desired demo. All workspace information is
contained within this file.
The subdirectory also has an *.ewp project file. This file can be opened into an existing workspace by
clicking Project>Add-Existing-Project….
Although the software examples have all of the code required to run them, IAR users may download and
install MSPWare, which contains MSP430 libraries and the TI Resource Explorer. By default, these are
already included in a CCS installation.
LaunchPad Websites
For more information about the LaunchPad development kit, supported BoosterPack plug-in modules, and
available resources, visit:
Resources specific to this particular LaunchPad development kit
: Information about all LaunchPad kits from TI
MSPWare and TI Resource Explorer
TI Resource Explorer is a tool integrated into CCS that allows you to browse through available design
resources (see
). TI Resource Explorer helps you quickly find what you need inside packages
including MSPWare, ControlSuite, TivaWare, and more. TI Resource Explorer is well organized to find
everything quickly, and you can import software projects into your workspace in one click.
TI Resource Explorer Cloud is one of the TI Cloud Development tools, and it is tightly integrated with CCS
Cloud. See
for more information.
MSPWare is a collection of code examples, software libraries, data sheets, and other design resources for
all MSP devices delivered in a convenient package–essentially everything developers need to become
MSP experts.
In addition to providing a complete collection of existing MSP design resources, MSPWare also includes a
high-level API called MSP Driver Library. This library makes it easy to program MSP hardware. For more
information, see