VCC_IN Test Point of Daughter-Board
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Installation of Software
If this your first encounter with the DRV10963, before proceeding to next step, install the following
software packages to use the DRV10963 GUI for tuning the motor:
1. The DRV10963 EVM is provided with a GUI to configure the device and tune the application. Refer to
DRV10963_2P0 User Manual.pdf present (C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\DRV10963_2P0
EVM\Documents) in the GUI-installed directory for instructions to download and install the GUI
application. Create a desktop shortcut with the name DRV10963_2P0 EVM, for future use.
2. Install the Run-Time Engine LabVIEW-2014 from the following link, for complete instructions, refer to
Do not apply power to board before you have verified settings mentioned in
Initial Hardware Settings
The kit ships with the daughterboard already mounted on top of the motherboard. The daughter socket
board also has a pre-inserted DRV0963 blank version device, however, ensure:
The daughterboard is rigidly inserted on the motherboard without any loose connection. Check the
orientation of the daughterboard with VCC_IN test-point connected to the right corner. Refer to
for details and read instructions written on the motherboard for proper orientation.
The DRV10963 device is properly inserted with right orientation at the socket in the daughter card as
, referred to as U1.
Figure 2. DRV10963 Daughterboard Mounting on Motherboard
DRV10963 Evaluation Module
SLAU643 – July 2015
Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated