DAC5686 EVM Initial Setup Tests
DAC5686 EVM Operational Procedure
There are several initial tests with the DAC5686 that can be done without any input data. The following
setup steps are suggested to familiarize the user with the DAC5686 and EVM software and verify that the
DAC5686 is functioning properly.
1. Provide a CLK2 input and disable the internal PLL (W3 between pins 2 and 3). Do not provide parallel
input data.
2. Power up the EVM with 1.8 V DVDD and 3.3 V AVDD
3. Start the DAC5686_SPI software.
4. Turn "Full Bypass" off, change Interpolation to "x4", set Mode to "Single Sideband" and the Coarse
Gain for both DACs to 15. The GUI should now look as shown in
Figure 2. DAC5686 Setup for X4 Interpolation, Single Sideband Mode and Tone at Fdac/4
SLWU006E – December 2004 – Revised March 2007