Application Notes to Use Boot ROM
SPRUH22I – April 2012 – Revised November 2019
Copyright © 2012–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
ROM Code and Peripheral Booting
Application Notes to Use Boot ROM
This section provides guidelines on how to boot-load master and control subsystems on Concerto devices.
6.8.1 How to Send Boot Data to M-Boot ROM
This section explains how to build a bootable image using Code Composer Studio™ and how to transfer
the image to the master subsystem RAM, using the M-Boot ROM peripheral bootloaders.
Building the Binary Image for an Application – Using Code Composr Studio
When using the CCS IDE to build code to RUN on the Concerto platform, the binary bootable image is
automatically generated by the following command in the Post-Build step of project settings.
post-build step:"${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/tiobj2bin.bat" "${BuildArtifactFileName}"
"${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.bin" "${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/ofd470.exe"
"${CG_TOOL_ROOT}/bin/hex470.exe" "${CCE_INSTALL_ROOT}/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin.exe"
Following is the snapshot of ‘project build properties dialogue’ in CCS which has the above post-build
Figure 6-34. Build a Binary Image for Bootload Using M-BOOT ROM
The following utilities that are installed during the default CCS install are used to generate the final binary
image file that can be transferred to M-Boot ROM.
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/utils/tiobj2bin/tiobj2bin.bat
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/tms470/bin/ofd470.exe
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/tms470/bin/hex470.exe
C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin.exe
In the above Post-Build command, the "${BuildArtifactFileName}" is the project COFF file that the user is
currently building. This COFF file is given as input to the above scripts to generate a final plain binary
image that can be used (as shown in the following section), to send data to M-Boot ROM.