Control Register Demonstration
The bq76925 shuts down the 3.3-V level at the V3P3 pin. The Hardware IO section shows a red light next
to V3P3 to indicate that the 3.3-V level is now zero. The Evaluation Software actually monitors the V3P3
output of the bq76925 via the USB-TO-GPIO Adapter input on pin 1.
Figure 10. Sleep Mode Showing 3.3-V Status
The method to wake the part from sleep is to apply a voltage, 3.3 V in the case of the bq76925EVM, to
the ALERT pin. This is accomplished easily by clicking the Wake button in the Hardware IO Section.
Figure 11. Wake Up From Sleep Mode
bq76925EVM Evaluation Module
July 2011
2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated