Test Summary
disable the Immediate Updates button in the toolbar.
4. Increase Load#2 constant voltage to 2.5V. For the bq24156A and bq24159EVMs only, move the
SLRST jumper shunt to HI.
5. Use the drop down boxes to select the desired maximum charge current and/or the maximum battery
regulation voltage. The Safety Limit Register in the register bank on the bottom right of the screen will
change color indicating an update is pending.
6. Press the now-highlighted W button next to the register.
7. Re-enable the Periodic Resets, Immediate Updates and Periodic Reads features as previously
The Maximum Charge Current and Maximum Battery Regulation Voltages drop down boxes now display
the updated values and the charger is ready for further evaluation.
Charge Voltage and Current Regulation
1. Ensure that the
steps are followed.
2. Turn on Load#2.
3. Turn on PS#1.
4. Software setup:
Ensure that Immediate Updates is enabled.
Check Periodic Resets, and set Rate to 1 second (except for bq24157).
Check Periodic Reads, and set Rate to 5 seconds.
Ensure that Rsense is set to 68 m
Ensure that Operation Mode is Charger Mode (except for bq24156A and bq24159).
Uncheck Charge Current Termination if checked.
Check STAT Pin.
Select Charge Current Sense Voltage to Normal.
5. Change Charge Current to 950mA and change Input Current Limit to 500mA.
Ichrg = 650 mA - 850mA
Iin = 440mA - 500mA
Diode D1 is on (green)
6. Check Disable Charger. Turn off PS#1, turn off Load #2, and disconnect.
Boost Function for bq24153A, bq24157 and bq24158 Versions Only
1. Adjust PS#1 output to 3.7 V, and disable the output. Connect the PS#1 in series with a current meter
(multimeter) to J2 (BAT+, BAT–). Ensure that a voltage meter is connected across J2 (BAT+, BAT–).
2. Set the Load #1 current to 200 mA ±20 mA, but disable the output. Connect the output of the Load #1
in series with a current meter (multimeter) to J1 (DC+, DC–). Ensure that a voltage meter is connected
across J1 (DC+, DC–). The setup is now like
for HPA256.
SLUU453C – November 2010 – Revised May 2013
bq24153A/56A/57/58/59 Fully Integrated, Switch-Mode, One-Cell, Li-Ion
Charger With Full USB Compliance and USB-OTG Support EVM
Copyright © 2010–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated