Setup Details
SBAU316 – August 2018
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
BOOSTXL-ADS1219 BoosterPack™ User's Guide
Flashing the Firmware
When the UniFlash program is accessed, either by cloud or download, start the process by first plugging
in the LaunchPad™ to the XDS110 programming connector at the top of the LaunchPad™. A green LED
lights up indicating that power is available and the cloud agent driver recognizes and installs the
appropriate drivers for the LaunchPad™. For any issues with the installation or operation of the UniFlash
program, click on the Help icon in the UniFlash menu bar.
1. In the UniFlash program start a
New Configuration
by selecting the MSP-EXP432E401Y LaunchPad™
from the drop down list as shown in
Figure 7. UniFlash: New Coniguration
2. The
Selected Connection
happens automatically to
Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe
seen in
, then press
Figure 8. UniFlash: Choose Connection