Using the Arc Detection Library
Table 1. SM73201 Arc Evaluation Module Directory Structure Description (continued)
FFT, Flash API, Arc Detection static libraries
Application source code
Using the Arc Detection Library
To begin integrating the Arc Detection library into your project you need to follow these easy steps
1. Go to the Project Properties->C/C++ Build->C2000 Compiler->Include Options(see
) and
add the relative path,
(VERSION is the current version of the library), to the list of search directories.
The Arc Detection library invokes the complex FFT routine from the Fixed Point Library. The path to this
library must be included in your project i.e.
Finally, if you plan on using the test vectors provided with the library to gauge the accuracy of the
algorithm, you must include the path
to the list of search directories.
These macros must be specified in a macro.ini file in your project. Each macro must reflect the path or
location of each of the libraries relative to the folder in which your project was created.
Figure 18. Adding the Include Search Path for the Library
2. Add the name of the libraries(Arc Detection and Fixed Point) and their locations to the File Search
Path as shown in
SNOA564F – June 2011 – Revised December 2012
AN-2154 RD-195 DC Arc Detection Evaluation Board
Copyright © 2011–2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated