ADS9120EVM-PDK Operation
SBAU262 – August 2016
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
EVM GUI Global Settings for ADC Control
Although the EVM GUI does not allow direct access to the levels and timing configuration of the ADC
digital interface, the EVM GUI does give users high-level control over virtually all functions of the
ADS9120 including interface modes, sampling rate, and number of samples to be captured.
identifies the input parameters of the GUI (as well as their default values) through which the
various functions of the ADS9120 can be exercised. These settings are global because they persist
across the GUI tools listed in the top left pane (or from one page to another).
Figure 10. EVM GUI Global Input Parameters
The host configuration options in this pane allow the user to choose from various SPI and multiSPI host
interface options available on the ADS9120. The host always communicates with the ADS9120 using the
standard SPI protocol over the single SDI lane, irrespective of the mode selected for data capture.
The drop-down boxes under the Interface Configuration sub-menu allows the user to select the data
capture protocol. The SDO Width drop-down allows selection between Single-, Dual- and Quad-SDO
lanes; The SDO Mode drop-down allows selection between Standard SPI and multiSPI modes.
In SPI mode, the SDI Mode drop-down allows selection between the four SPI protocol combinations for
In multiSPI mode, the Clock Source drop-down allows selection between Source and System
Synchronous modes; the Data Rate drop-down allows selection between SDR and DDR modes. Detailed
descriptions of each of these modes is available in the ADS9120 datasheet (
). The selected data
capture protocol is summarized in the Protocol Selected indicator box.