ADS86xxEVM-PDK Kit Operation
Analyzing the Data
The ADS86xxEVM GUI includes the histogram analysis and FFT analysis for data captured from the
ADS86xxEVM in auto or manual mode. Data can be analyzed with the selected analysis from the drop-
down menu in the ADC capture settings.
Histogram Analysis
Histogram testing is commonly used when testing ADCs. A histogram is merely a count of the number of
times a code occurs in a particular data set. The histogram analysis page of the GUI creates a histogram
of the data of the acquired data set and displays that data. The input channel (AINx) for the histogram
analysis can be selected from the channel drop-down menu and the data capture settings can be entered
in boxes on the left side of the graph.
shows the histogram analysis page.
Figure 25. Histogram Analysis
The following parameters are calculated using the histogram analysis.
Code Spread: Is the number of different codes captured for a certain input.
Code Peak: Is the code with the maximum number of hits.
Sigma: Is the standard deviation of all the codes captured.
Mean: Is the average of all the codes captured for a certain input.
ADS86xxEVM-PDK Evaluation Module
SBAU245A – June 2015 – Revised July 2015
Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated