Optimizing Evaluation Results
SBAU290 – September 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
ADS54J64 Evaluation Module
HSDC Pro Settings
lists the HSDC Pro options which can help improve the performance measurements.
Table 5. HSDC Pro Options for Optimal Analysis Results
HSDC Pro Feature
Analysis window (samples)
Selects the number of samples to include in the selected test analysis. Collect more data
to improve frequency resolution of FFT analysis.
Data windowing function
Select the desired windowing function applied to the data for FFT analysis. Select
‘Blackman’ when sampling a non-coherent input signal or ‘Rectangle’ when sampling a
coherent input signal.
Test options
notch frequency bins
Select bins to be removed from the spectrum and back-filled with the average noise
level. May also customize which Harmonics/Spurs are considered in SNR and THD
calculations and select the method for calculating spur power.
Test options
analysis window
Enable markers to narrow the Single-Tone FFT test analysis to a specific bandwidth.
Data capture options
capture options
Configure the number of contiguous samples per capture (capture depth). May also
enable Continuous Capture and FFT Averaging.