Motiv 2
“The subwoofer is buzzing.”
The Motiv 2 is a very low-interference speaker
If the buzzing can be clearly heard from a dis
tance of more than one metre and/or can also
be heard from the satellites, there is possibly a
defect – assuming the subwoofer is not touching
other devices. In some cases, it could come from
connection to other devices, through equalizing
currents that are caused by different casing po
Please read the following instructions for a solu
tion to the latter case:
The subwoofer is connected to a different
power circuit from the rest of the equipment.
Ensure that all linked devices (including the PC,
if connected) are connected to a single power
circuit or plug.
The antenna connected to the equipment or TV
has a different ground potential to the socket.
To test this, simply remove all antenna cables
from the wall socket. If the buzzing stops, you
need a so-called “sheath current filter”, avail
from the accessories area on our website:
A separately purchased mains filter, to which all
devices must be connected, may be useful in
eliminating the interference.
Occasionally, a multiple socket strip proves to
be responsible for generating buzzing noises.
To test this, disconnect the socket strip and
plug the subwoofer’s mains plug directly into
a wall socket.
You can also try turning the mains plug around
and inserting it into the socket the other way
up, inasmuch as your mains plug/socket allows
It can be useful to create an additional ground
ing by fixing a cable (e.g. speaker cable) to the
metal screw of the power amplifier and fixing
the other cable end e.g. to the heating pipe or
PC casing.
“There is no sound or distorted sound from one
of the satellites – the other satellite works”.
In order to pinpoint the defect more specifically,
briefly swap the non-functioning satellite with a
functioning satellite to determine whether the
defect is in the satellite or the subwoofer elec-
tronics. If the previously non-functioning satel
lite plays on a different channel of the subwoofer,
the defect is probably in the subwoofer electron
ics. If the satellite does not play on a different
channel, the satellite is defective.
“There is no sound from the subwoofer – both
satellites are working”.
You can check the function of the subwoofer by
connecting only the signal of a “secure” source,
e.g. a portable CD player with the line in left / right
cinch input on the subwoofer. If the subwoofer
now plays, it did not receive the correct signal
before. Either the cinch cable is defective or the
output of your source device is not generating a
Alternatively, you can reduce the volume level of
the subwoofer, remove the subwoofer cinch cable
from the PC/CD player/receiver, steadily and care
fully raise the level and touch the inner cinch pin
with your finger. If you now hear buzzing or crack
ling, there is an error in the PC/CD player/receiver
or its settings. If the subwoofer remains silent,
please contact our service department.
“The satellites ‘hiss’”
The Motiv 2 is essentially a very low-noise sys-
tem. In the high range area, very high-resolution
quality speaker systems can ‘expose’ the inferior
quality of a signal source (e.g. from MP3 files or
analogue cassette recordings) that was previous
ly unnoticed on less high-quality boxes. It might
be necessary to redeuce or rise the level of the
sound card.
Please contact our service department if you have any questions, suggestions or if there is anything
you think we could do better.
Frequently asked questions
All information is provided without
guarantee of correctness. Subject to
technical changes; typing errors and
mistakes excepted.
Lautsprecher Teufel GmbH
Gewerbehof Buelowbogen - Aufgang D1
10783 Berlin (Germany), Buelowstr. 66
Ph.: 00800 200 300 40
Fax: +49(30) - 300 930 930