held compact penetrometer for
f r u i t f i r m n e s s a n d s o m e
vegetable hardness testing, the
universally accepted measure
of ripeness.
The FHT series is the growers'
indispensable tool for knowing
when to pick and ship.
The FHT Fruit Tester measures
the force required to push a
The Ripeness Tester is a hand-
Accurate Fruit Testing Requires:
Controlling tip penetration.
Providing a means to verify
gage accuracy.
Controlling the speed of tip
General operation precautions
plunger tip of specified size
into the fruit pulp. The force
reading assists in determining
the appropriate picking time or
monitoring fruit softening
during storage.
Because of the number of fruit
a n d v e g e t a b l e v a r i e t i e s ,
geographical locations and
o t h e r v a r i a t i o n s , t h e
a p p r o p r i a t e f i r m n e s s f o r
harvesting will vary. Therefore
F H T u s e r s m u s t c o m b i n e
experience and expertise to
establish the firmness value
that applies to their specific
variety and locale.
Automatic power off to conserve
Can communicate with PC for
r e c o r d i n g , p r i n t i n g a n d
a n a l y z i n g b y t h e o p t i o n a l
software and cable for RS232C