Change resolution 1
Allows you to increase the resolution of a graph (searching the
culmination point) or to come back to
measurement results’ global details
(after a program recall)
Change resolution 2
Allows you to decrease the resolution of a graph (searching the
culmination point) or to access measurement results’ details (after a
program recall)
Modify angle unit
Allows to modify the angle unit. The current active angle unit is degree.
Modify angle unit
Allows to modify the angle unit. The current active angle unit is DMS.
Modify angle unit
Allows to modify the angle unit. The current active angle unit is radian.
Allows you to select all the blocks of the memory
Allows you to deselect all the blocks of the memory
Allows you to delete all the blocks previously selected in the memory
6.2 Actions regarding
ST1 & ST2 modes
Redefine reference
Allows you to restart the process to define the active reference.
Leave mode ‘recall programme’
Allows you to stop the current measurement programme (programme
Calibration of the insert with groove
Allows you to define the calibration process of the insert by measurement
of a groove.
ISO table
Allows you to display the ISO table of tolerances in order to quickly set the
tolerances of the selected value.
Indirect reference (PRESET)
Allows you to take into account an offset regarding the active reference,
so that you can work with an indirect reference.
Probe constant
Restarts the calculation procedure of the probe constant.
Calibration of the insert with rib
Allows you to define the calibration process of the insert by measurement
of a rib.
6.3 Actions regarding
Graph display
Once all measurements finished, it is possible to display an overview of
the scanning of the workpiece.
Measurement window in Z
Informs you of the range in Z (from the start of the measurement) in which
the measurement will be carried out. Once the range has been exceeded,
the measurement will automatically stop.
Modify resolution
Allows you to modify the resolution of the ordinate axis (variation of the
probe travel) of the graph displayed.
Attention, the entered value represents the total range of visualisation.
This means that if the value 10 is entered, the displayed range will be -5
to +5.
Back to measurement
Allows you to go back to the measurement page.
6.4 Actions regarding
Angle mode
Gage block