In the first step, we only need the driver and the application for the management of
the N3, so, please press the second button and follow the instructions on the screen.
Last step, if wanted, is the installation of the remote control editor. This is
automatically installed with the TV software and is therefore only required if
you have not installed the TV software and want to use the included remote
This software works as an interface between computer and your remote control.
You have the possibility to adapt the keys to different programs. If you only want to
use the Media Center commands, no further action is necessary. Would you like to
deal more intensively with it, you will find all necessary information in the manual of
the remote control editor on the driver CD.
Once everything is installed, you find the icon of the N3 in the Windows taskbar,
which can be operated using the right mouse button.
The web interface of the N3 is accessible over TERRATEC N3 ► Settings.
Please login with:
User: admin
Password: admin
The password should be replaced with your own desired password immediately
after the installation process is finished for your own safety.
Do not forget to connect the antenna cable before you start the channel