After the channel search has completed successfully, save the results of the search in a new
channel list which you will be able to open from the main window. To modify this channel list,
simply open it in the Channel Manager and change it as required.
Channel Manager
Use the Channel Manager to manage the available stations. Here you can edit channel lists or
create new lists of favorites.
To edit an existing channel list, open it on the right-hand side as a target channel list—the
current source channel list cannot be edited. The selection window at the top right contains
all available channel lists. You now have the option of manually adding channels or bou-
quets, or to edit or remove stored channels and bouquets. New bouquets provide the option
of individually categorizing your stations. Simply drag and drop the stations from one
bouquet to another or import channels from an open source channel list to your target list. To
save the channel list, click “OK” to close the Channel Manager. Save the channel list under a
new name to add it to the main window as a new entry.
Stations can also be added manually in the Channel Manager. This is only necessary if a
station was not found during a channel search. First, select a bouquet and add the new
channel. In the next step you can name and define the station. The following overview will
assist you in setting up new stations manually.
Cinergy 1200 DVB-T (English)