To store files to TNAS, the most convenient and efficient way is to use the Samba file service (for Windows OS
users) or the AFS file service (for Mac OS Users).
To use these services, select your TNAS from the menu in TNAS PC and click
“File Browser”
. Then, enter
your username and password, and you will be able to access the file browsing page. There, you can copy,
delete, and edit your files. This feature is used on Windows OS and Mac OS in the same way.
For added efficiency, you can also map your drive to display frequently accessed folders or to create quick
links. This method is only applicable to windows OS users, Mac OS users create shortcuts in a slightly different
way, please visit the TOS Help for more details.
If you need to use the advanced settings features (e.g., to create users, manage permissions, monitor system
resources, or to install applications), please log in to TOS. Only users with administrator privileges can use
TOS’s advanced features.
5.1 Save Files to TNAS
5.2 Advanced Settings