Starting Off
When the controller is on, the power assist will be applied immediately when you step on the Pedal. It is, therefore, recommended to mount
your Tern with the controller off. After you are seated, make sure no weight is on the pedals to prevent accidental movement, then turn on
the controller. Start off at the lowest level of assistance.
Certain motor systems ask you not to put any weight on the Pedals before powering on so it can reset itself correctly.
Selecting the Correct Level of Assistance
Do not only ride in high gear with power assist. Change gears as you would on a conventional bicycle to maintain an efficient cadence for
your riding style. This will maximize the efficiency of the assistance to your power input.
For example, with a Bosch Mid-Drive Motor system, keeping your cadence constantly at approximately 90 rpm, regardless of speed, will
ensure the motor is assisting you most efficiently.
Riding with Power Assistance
How much you pedal determines how much assistance the motor provides. All pedelecs have an internal control algorithm to stop assisting
as soon as you stop pedaling. This is an inbuilt safety feature conforming to EN 15194 (EPAC – Electrically Power Assisted Cycles).
When cornering on a pedelec, stop pedaling sooner than you are used to, otherwise, you may have too much speed through the turn.
As you are likely to be traveling at an average above speed, look further up the road and be ready to brake whenever a possible situation
appears before you.
Due to the near silent nature of an electric motor, pedestrians and other cyclists may not hear you approaching.
Ride defensively, wear bright clothing, signal your intentions, and use your bell when necessary.
13. Tips for Riding a Pedelec