TECH TIP 31 | RELEASED 03.14.2022 | VERSION 1.0
Nothing needs to be done to save changes, the
modifications are made immediately.
To adjust the speed settings, select the
Programming menu, Speed Settings, and then
RPM mode 1. Set the RPM to produce 5 GPM at
1800 psi. Then select RPM mode 2 and set it to
get 7 GPM at 1800 psi.
For units with single flow hydraulics, set RPM
mode 2 to get the required flow (5 or 7 GPM) at
1800 psi.
To verify the programming, operate the unit in
hybrid mode until the batteries reach 44.5 Volts.
Once the voltage remains at or below 44.5 V for
at least 5 seconds the chassis engine should
start to charge the hybrid system.
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