Seller's obligation under this warranty
shall not include duty, taxes,
environmental fees, including without
The following listed items, which are not
limitation, disposal or handling of tires,
exhaustive, are NOT covered under this
batteries, petrochemical items, or any
other charges whatsoever. Seller shall
not be liable for indirect, incidental, or
1. Items sold by any individual,
consequential damages, even if advised
corporation, partnership or any other
of the possibility of such damages.
organization or legal entity that is not
authorized by Seller to distribute its
Improper maintenance, improper use,
abuse, improper storage, operation
beyond rated capacity, operation after
2. Inbound freight, duty and taxes for
discovery of defective or worn parts,
replacement components or outbound
accident, sabotage or alteration or
freight, duty, and taxes for any part
repair of the product by persons not
requested as a warranty return.
authorized by Seller shall render this
3. Components which are not
warranty null and void. Seller reserves
manufactured by Seller or its affiliates.
the right to inspect the installation of the
Such components may include, but are
product and review maintenance
not limited to, chassis, engines,
procedures to determine if the failure is
batteries, tires, customer-supplied
covered under this warranty.
products, transmissions, air
Parts Warranty: Seller warrants the
compressors, and axles.
parts ordered from the Seller to be free
4. Replacement of a complete
of defects in materials or workmanship
assembly that is field repairable by the
for either (1) a period of 12 months after
replacement or repair of defective
date of shipment from the factory, or (2)
part(s) within the assembly. Seller has
the balance of the remaining new
the option to repair or replace any
product warranty, whichever occurs
defective part or assembly.
first. With respect to parts ordered from
Seller for equipment for which the
5. Wear parts and maintenance
warranty has expired, Seller warrants
services including, but not limited to:
such parts to be free of defects in
lamps, lenses, seals, gaskets, hoses,
materials or workmanship for a period of
filters, breathers, belts, nozzles, friction
12 months after date of shipment from
plates, glass, clutch and brake linings,
the factory.
wire rope, nuts and fittings, exterior
coatings, proper tightening of bolts,
WARRANTY: This warranty is limited to
adding or replacing of fluids,
the original purchaser or original end-
adjustments of any kind, services,
user if sold to a distributor, and is not
inspections, diagnostic time, travel time
assignable or otherwise transferable
and supplies such as hand cleaners,
without the written agreement of Seller.
towels and lubricants.