DE0-CV User Manual
May 4, 2015
Chapter 4
DE0-CV System Builder
This chapter describes how users can create a custom design project with the tool named DE0-CV
System Builder.
4. 1
The DE0-CV System Builder is a Windows-based utility. It is designed to help users create a
Quartus II project for DE0-CV within minutes. The generated Quartus II project files include:
Quartus II project file (.qpf)
Quartus II setting file (.qsf)
Top-level design file (.v)
Synopsis design constraints file (.sdc)
Pin assignment document (.htm)
The above files generated by the DE0-CV System Builder can also prevent occurrence of situations
that are prone to compilation error when users manually edit the top-level design file or place pin
assignment. The common mistakes that users encounter are:
Board is damaged due to incorrect bank voltage setting or pin assignment.
Board is malfunctioned because of wrong device chosen, declaration of pin location or direction
is incorrect or forgotten.
Performance degradation due to improper pin assignment.
4. 2
General Design Flow
This section provides an introduction to the design flow of building a Quartus II project for
DE0-CV under the DE0-CV System Builder. The design flow is illustrated in
Figure 4-1.
The DE0-CV System Builder will generate two major files, a top-level design file (.v) and a
Quartus II setting file (.qsf) after users launch the DE0-CV System Builder and create a new project
according to their design requirements