™ H.264 Encoder
User Guide V 2.1
3.4.15 Menu: Comport / Settings
The ‘comport / settings’ webpage defines the parameters for the ENC's integrated comport/serial port.
300™ encoders are always comport servers and DEC-200 decoders are always comport clients.
Figure 30: Comport/Settings page of the ENC-
300™ encoder
Specifies the comport mode.
enables access and control of the ENC-
configuration via the com-cable (null modem cable). Use this cable
to set the ENC-
300™ configuration when you do not want to use
web access.
enables setting the comport to a serial mode. RS-
232 devices can be connected and controlled via the comport. This
is useful, for example when cameras or other non-IP, non-network
devices need to be remotely controlled. RS-232 commands can be
tunnelled and sent via TCP/IP to the comport server, where they
will be returned into native RS-232 commands. When a connection
is opened from the client (e.g. decoder) to the IP-address of the
encoder at port 7777, the serial function in the ENC-
300™ is
activated and any data (string) is passed straight to the connected
RS-232 device. Once the connection is established, this also works
the other way for information coming back from the RS-232 device.
Specifies the used bitrate in bits per second.
Specifies the databits. You can ch
oose between ‘7’ and ‘8’. This
field is only available when the comport mode ‘Passthrough’ is
Specifies the parity. You can choose between ‘none’, ‘odd’ and
‘even’. This field is only available when the comport mode
‘Passthrough’ is chosen.
Specifies the value of used stopbits. You can choose between ‘1’
and ‘2’. This field is only available when the comport mode
‘Passthrough’ is chosen.
Table 23: Description of the COMPORT/SETTINGS webpage of the ENC-30