Copyright © Terabee 2016
● Once connected, DF13 connectors are very reliable and are perfect for robotics and
drone environments where vibrations are common. However, these connectors are
not made for infinite plugging and unplugging. If you need to plug and unplug the
sensors frequently, consider adding a more suitable connector inline.
● Please do not apply shear forces to the connector when pushing it in the socket.
Ideally, press the socket down to the PCB with your thumb and push the connector in
with your other hand. Do not use tools like pliers etc.! You can find good instruction
videos on DF13 plugging and unplugging on YouTube.
● Additional cables can be purchased from the TeraRanger website or your preferred
TeraRanger reseller.
● Please follow basic rules on ESD** safety when connecting and touching the
TeraRanger One!
● Do not apply force to the TeraRanger One PCB while handling and installing it.
● Do not plug or unplug the sensor under power. Hot plugging and unplugging may
damage the sensor.
* UART is the default interface
** See for example
UART Data Interface
The default interface is UART on pins 12 and 13. It needs an input voltage level of 5V (logic
high) to run reliably, the output voltage level is 5V. Please use a serial to USB interface (e.g.
such as the
TeraRanger USB adapter
) to connect the TeraRanger One to your PC.
connect the TeraRanger One to a real RS232 port of a PC, the voltage levels are different
and might destroy the sensor’s electronics.
The UART is configured to send and receive at 115200 bit/s, 8 data bits, no parity bit and
one stop bit (1152008N1).
TWI (I2C) Data Interface
Another way to connect to your TeraRanger One is the TWI (or better known as NXP’s I2C)
interface. Using this interface, you can connect multiple TeraRanger Ones to a TWI master
on the same bus. Please refer to the protocol description (chapter 5) to see how the bus
address of each TeraRanger One can be changed individually to avoid collisions on the
bus. Please keep in mind that the TeraRanger One has a relatively narrow field of view.
Hence, multiple TeraRanger Ones looking into opposite or perpendicular directions can be
triggered at the same time, allowing a significantly increased readout speed!
Please refer to chapter 1.4 for the the electrical connections to be made for using TWI. The
signal levels are 5V, the maximum bus speed is 400kHz and the pullup resistors (10kOhms)
are already integrated in the TeraRanger One. If you want to connect to an I2C bus with
90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630 St. Genis‐Pouilly
Technical support:
France (next to CERN)
[email protected]
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