[email protected] | www.teptron.com | Box 1009, 432 13 Varberg
This product can be operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers.
All non-battery-operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of
the network.
Inclusion into the Z-Wave network
Inclusion is a process by which a new device (or a device which previously got out of Z-Wave network by force reset
or exclusion process) can join a new or existing Z-Wave network. Including procedure is shown below. Note: The
term “INCLUSION”, “ASSOCIATE”, “ADDING”, “PARING” implies to the same meaning
Inclusion procedure explained below,
Set the gateway into inclusion mode (See
gateway’s product manual
for more information).
Set MOVEZ into learn mode. Learn mode is set by press and holding stop button (picture 2, position 2) for 10
plus seconds. Once both red and green led indicator start blinking together (picture 2, position 5), release
stop button to issue node information frame.
Because device supports
S2 Unauthenticated
Class gateway may ask for an option of secure or non-secure
inclusion. Please select this as per your preference.
Green led blink twice once inclusion process is successfully completed.
Exclusion from the Z-Wave network
Exclusion is a process by which an already included device can be made to leave its existing Z-wave network. Upon
exclusion all user configuration parameters are set to their default values. Note: The term “EXCLUSION”,
“REMOVING”, “UNPARING” implies to the same meaning.
Exclusion procedure explained below,
Set gateway into the exclusion mode (See gateway user manual for more information)
Set MOVEZ into learn mode. Learn mode is set by press and holding stop button (picture 2, position 2) for 10
plus seconds. Once both red and green led indicator start blinking together (picture 2, position 5), release
stop button to issue node information frame.
Red led blink twice once exclusion process is successfully completed.
Z-Wave SmartStart is a feature that removes the need for initiating the end device to start inclusion. With SmartStart
Inclusion is initiated automatically on power-ON and repeated at dynamic intervals for as long as the device is not
included into a Z-Wave network.
As the new device announces itself on power-ON, the protocol will provide notifications, and the gateway can
initiate the inclusion process in the background, without the need for user interaction or any interruption of normal
operation. This improvement also removes the possibility of other devices being included, as the SmartStart
inclusion process only includes authenticated devices. A gateway supporting SmartStart has a provision list for
adding device DSKs. As this device supports S2_UNAUTHENTICATED class of security, DSK or QR code not required
for manual inclusion of the device into the network, DSK or QR code is only needed when SmartStart feature is being
used. DSK or PIN code can be found on the backside of the device as well as on the packaging box. Do not remove
the “Z
Wave pin code” label from the product.