Operating your teplo
1. Remove the Glass Pot from the Power Base, then remove Lid. When brewing
tea, fill with desired amount of water. Make sure to fill the Glass Pot with water
between ʻ150ʼ line and ʻ350ʼ line. If the Glass Pot is hot, allow to cool before
filling with water.
NOTE: Do not operate teplo without water. Doing so may cause breakage
of the glassware.
WARNING: Over-filling the Glass Pot above the '350' line may result in
injuries and/or damage to teplo as a result of overflowing hot or boiling
2. Place the Infuser on a flat, dry surface. Put desired amount of tea leaves into
the Infuser weight and attach the Infuser mesh. *If using teplo teas, put all the
tea leaves in the packet. Teplo tea packets contain the exact amount of teas for
a single brew. For best experience use teplo teas.