WX-1 Series Instrument Revised: 10.3.19
pg. 7
All models are typically available from stock.
All models are factory calibrated and ready for use.
All calibration values are traceable to National Standards.
Calibration certificate is included.
Continuous operation while connected to power supply.
Durable, lightweight carrying case with protective foam inserts included.
(See Figure 2)
Charging Instrument Batteries
Use only a Tensitron power supply to avoid damage to instrument.
2. Connect power supply to the instrument. Plug the power supply into a
power source with input voltages between 100
– 240 VAC.
3. A full charge of the battery assembly requires several hours of
4. Battery pack assembly cannot be overcharged.
5. Instrument will remain on while connected to its power supply.
6. Battery charge level is indicated in upper, right-hand corner of display.
Figure 2: Carrying case with instrument, calibration
certificate, charger, adapters, and operating instructions.