Tendercare Ltd
Tilt & Fold User Manual – Gas Strut Model
Tilt & Fold User Manual – Gas Strut Model v4
Authority. Quality Controller
Authorised by, J Adams
Page 17 of 23
January 2011
6. Attendant Pushing
6.1 Pushing
The wheelchair is easy to push over hard, even surfaces but may be more difficult over
rough; uneven surfaces and the wheels may sink into soft ground. Never force the
wheelchair if it becomes stuck, this may cause the rear wheels to lift and the user may be
tipped out of the chair. If the chair gets jammed on a stone or cracked pavement, tip the
wheelchair backwards using the tipping levers to raise the castors over the obstacle and
then proceed. On soft ground it may be easier to pull the wheelchair backwards.
Whenever possible avoid steep and uneven surfaces because there is a danger that the
wheelchair may tip over. If you cannot avoid difficult surfaces you must take extra care
when travelling across them.
Do not use the wheelchair in sandy conditions.
Always use two hands for pushing the wheelchair.
The wheelchair is steered by the front castors. Most pavements slope slightly towards the
kerb and the chair will have a tendency to curve in the downward direction towards the
road. Two hands will be needed to prevent this.
For the comfort of the occupant always avoid pushing too fast or making sudden fast turns,
jerking, jolting or bumping. Many occupants are liable to be affected by rough handling,
which can cause loss of confidence, discomfort or pain.
Avoid kerbs. Wherever possible use ramped kerbs or slopes. This will make pushing the
chair easier and safer and will be more comfortable for the occupant.
Avoid steep kerbs and flights of steps because of the danger of losing your grip on the
chair or of the occupant being tipped out. Always use a ramp or lift if available.
Always look well ahead so that you have plenty of time to avoid hazards.
10) Be considerate to other people and watch out for pedestrians who may stop or suddenly
change direction.
6.2 Brakes
Always put the brakes on when getting into or out of the wheelchair and when leaving the
occupied wheelchair unattended.
To avoid making flat sections on the tyres never store the wheelchair with the brakes on for
long periods i.e. overnight or during storage.
If the wheelchair is fitted with (optional) Hub Brake wheels the standard Occupant brake
will also be fitted. Hub brakes are for the attendants use only and not for use as a parking
brake. You must ensure that the supplied Occupant parking brakes are used when the chair