High Power
Wireless AC1200 Dual Band Router
technical support of either your ISP or Tenda suggests changing the MTU value.
Below web-based applications might require an MTU change:
A secure website that does not open, or displays only part of a web
Yahoo email
MSN portal
You use VPN and encounter serious performance problem s.
You used a program to optimize MTU for performance reasons, and now you
have connectivity or performance problems.
I f yo u su sp ect an M TU p r ob l em, t r y ch an gi n g t h e M TU to 1 400 . I f t h i s do es n o t h el p, gr adu al l y
r ed u ce th e M TU fr o m t h e maxi mu m v al u e o f 15 00
until the problem disappears.
The common MTU sizes and applications are listed in the table below.
Typical for connections that do not use PPPoE or
Used in PPPoE environments.
Maximum size to use for pinging. (La rger packets
are fragmented.)
Used in some DHCP environments.
Used in PPTP environments or with VPN.
A wr on g/ i mp ro p er M TU val u e ma y cau se I n t ern et co mm u n i cat io n pr ob l ems . F o r e xa mp l e, yo u
ma y b e u n ab l e to acces s cer t ain web s i t es, fr a mes wi t hi n web s i t es , s ecu r e l o gin p a ges, o r F TP
or P OP ser ver s .