Super easy IP Camera
1) FTP user name and password
2) FTP storage space and the authority
3) Create sub-category to store the video or pictures. PTZ
PTZ setting: Cruise laps, PTZ speed, self-test center and close the alarm when PTZ moving.
When setting up the appropriate data and click the application, then save and it works.
Rotation _number: Only can be number 1-50, click the UI left, right, up and down, the camera
will rotate as required.
(Note: For the number of cruise lap, better it is not too large; rotating too much long time will
shorten the machine life.)
Cradle Speed: PTZ speed have fast, medium and slow three levels for users to choose, on
behalf of the speed of PTZ rotation speed.
Center: When the self-test center opened, or when you restart the device camera
automatically centered by itself.
Stopptz: when start, the camera PTZ rotating, it will not trigger alarm, but when close this
function, camera rotating will also alarm.
Please click application after modified setting, then it can save.