The pin and box must be thoroughly cleaned and visually inspected for any damage after each break
Apply or ensure that at least 75% coverage of dry moly is present on the connection if it is bead
blasted. Dry moly is not required if the conneciton is phosphated.
Do not re-run the string if any portion of the string has been taken beyond the specified operating
The ULTRA™ SF and SFII connections shall not be used as work strings.
Field Repair
Field repair of ULTRA™ SF and SFII connections shall only
be conducted by Field Service Technicians
certified by Tenaris.
Minor tears, galls, dents or burrs on the thread profile may be able to be repaired by qualified
personnel in the field.
Small scratches and dents on the pin and box face may be permissible or repaired.
Repair connections using a file, stone, sandpaper or appropriate abrasive tool, and Scotch-Brite™
sponge or equivalent.
For best results it is recommended to spray the connection with an even coat of “dry moly” and allow
it to dry.
Only qualified personnel may make the decision regarding the serviceability of a given connection.
Seal areas cannot be repaired in the field and must be free of any damages.
Loose burrs and sharp raised edges must be removed or rounded down.