naviPlay Bluetooth Stereo Kit for iPod:
User Guide
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This section explains common problems and solutions. If you don’t see an answer here, check
www.tentechnology.com/support for the most current troubleshooting tips.
Both naviPlay devices are on, but there is no audio.
The naviPlay Remote and the naviPlay iPod adapter do not connect.
1. Ensure that your naviPlay iPod adapter and naviPlay Remote came in the same kit or retail
package and are paired – the two are pre-paired at the factory for your convenience. Once paired,
the naviPlay iPod adapter and the naviPlay Remote are configured to connect only to each other.
2. You can follow the procedure to pair the two naviPlay devices to ensure that they are paired to
each other.
<insert link to pairing section>
If both the devices were bought as a package and still do not connect, go to
www.tentechnology.com/supprt and contact support with the details of the purchase.
3. Verify that both the iPod adapter and naviPlay Remote are within a few meters of each other and
are switched on.
Music playback mutes suddenly.
Music mutes when the naviPlay Remote and iPod adapter are farther than about 26 feet (eight
meters) apart. This distance becomes smaller if the adapters don’t have a clear line of sight
between them. Why does this happen? Outside of the playback range, the “throughput monitor” is
activated, and music playback is muted to avoid jitters and static. The playback range also depends
on the amount of activity and interference in the 2.4 GHz spectrum, as well as the presence of
materials that absorb or reflect signals.
Devices are connected, but I don’t hear anything on the naviPlay Remote.
1. Check that the iPod has music files stored on it and is able to play music. This can be verified by
plugging in your headphones directly into the iPod headphone jack. (If the iPod doesn’t work with
the headphones plugged into it, contact Apple support.)
2. Check the volume level on the headphones or speakers and increase it if necessary.