If the Electric Heater Box or Filter Box
options are to be used, allow adequate
clearance for servicing.
If low noise is a critical factor in the
installation, refer to Figure 6 for noise
isolation recommendations.
It is recommended that the unit be mounted
using the spring mounting system, supplied
as an optional extra (Fig.2). This system
minimises transfer of vibration into the
building structure.
If a more rigid installation can be tolerated,
then suspend the unit from four threaded
rods (not supplied) attached to the ceiling.
Four 'L' shaped brackets are supplied on the
unit to facilitate this method. These brackets
must first be unscrewed, reversed and
resecured to enable rod attachment.
The unit has a built-in sloping drain tray,
therefore mount it level.
When finally positioned, tighten the lock
nuts on the mounting rods from above and
below the mounting flange to give a firm
installation (see Fig. 3).
Condensate Drain
The condensate drain should be trapped
outside the unit cabinet. The trap should
have a vertical height of at least 50 mm.
The drain should have a slope of at least
1 in 50 and must not be piped to a level
above the unit drain tray. (Refer Fig.4).
For long condensate pipe runs, fit a vent
pipe near the drain trap. The top of the vent
pipe must be at least 100 mm above the ISD
unit's drain tray.
It is essential that the drainage system
for the evaporator is checked by pouring
water in the drain tray and seeing that it
discharges at the end of the drain and does
not overflow the drain tray.
Note: The built-in drain tray can be
removed for cleaning (or fan access) by first
removing the unit's base.
Refer to the relevant OSA Outdoor Unit
'Installation & Maintenance' pamphlet for
piping instructions. For wiring connections,
refer to the Outdoor Unit wiring diagram in
conjunction with the ISD wiring diagram in
this pamphlet.
Pipe Connection Sizes (mm OD) & Type
10 (
") sweat 16 (
") sweat
10 (
") sweat 16 (
") sweat
ISD 110K 10 (
") sweat 19 (
") sweat
ISD 140K 10 (
") sweat 19 (
") sweat
The ISD is shipped from the factory with
a pressurised holding charge of nitrogen.
Immediately before removing any brazed
pipe connection's seal, reduce the holding
charge to atmospheric pressure.
Warning: Failure to do so may cause injury.
Refer to the Outdoor Unit 'Installation &
Maintenance' pamphlet for evacuation
procedure and piping requirements.
The electrical supply required (via the
Outdoor Unit) is specified on the Outdoor
Unit's wiring diagram.
Electrical work must be carried out by a
qualified electrician in accordance with local
supply authority regulations and the wiring
In a free blow or low resistance application,
beware of exceeding the fan motor's full
load amp limit (refer Outdoor Unit's wiring
Note: The SAT-2 Controller automatically
switches the indoor fan off during de-ice,
therefore no additional wiring is required to
achieve this result.
The fan speed can be set to LOW, MED, or
HIGH - whichever best suits the application.
If the air returning to the indoor unit is
regularly expected to be above 50%RH,
then the coil face velocity should be limited
to be 2.5 m/s or less (refer Air Handling
graph in Technical Data pamphlet).
High humidity levels can occur in tropical or
subtropical conditions, and/or when heavily
moisture laden fresh air is introduced. Select
a fan speed that avoids water carry-over
The following components are supplied in a
box taped inside the return air spigot:
1. SAT-2 Wall Control plaque, including wall
mounting plate.
2. 10 m interface lead (electrical box-to-
3. User's Operating Instructions booklet.
4. Lithium CR2032 battery (3V).
1. Remote return air sensor (in box).
2. Remote return air temperature sensor
lead; 1.5, 6, 12 or 25 m.
3. 20 m extended interface lead
(electrical box-to-plaque).
4. ISD indoor unit–to–OSA outdoor
unit interconnecting lead;
12.5 m or 25 m; 7 core.
5. SAT-2 Zone Control PCB.
6. Zone Control 24V transformer.
7. Additional SAT-2 Wall Control plaque.
8. Infra red remote control.
The SAT-2 Controller PCB is supplied pre-
installed in the ISD unit's electrical box.
1. Isolate the ISD unit from power supply,
then remove electrical box cover.
2. Remove the SAT-2 box supplied taped
inside the return air spigot.
3. Remove the Wall Control's interface
lead from this box and connect the bare
wired end of the interface lead to the
terminal block on the SAT-2 Controller
board (refer wiring diagram). Trace the
remaining length of the lead to the Wall
Control's intended location.
4. Remove the Wall Control's backing plate
by using a small screw driver to remove
the single screw at the bottom edge of
the plaque.
5. Install the Lithium battery, supplied loose,
positive (+) side up in the Wall Control's
battery holder.
6. Check the wall where the Wall Control
plaque is to be located is flat before
fastening the wall mounting plate.
Alternatively, the mounting plate can
be screwed to a standard wall socket
mounted horizontally.
Note: Use low profile (mush) headed
screws to prevent contact with the PCB
board. Fixing the plate to a distorted
surface may damage the control.
7. Drill hole in wall to allow cable entry.
8. Connect the interface lead's lugs to the
Wall Control board as per the wiring
diagram overleaf.
9. Ensure the interface lead is run
separately and away from main
power supply wires, including the
interconnecting cable. When installing
cabling, trim any excess length to suit
your location.
10. Fill around the interface lead with foam
or cover hole with PVC tape to prevent
draft from wall cavity affecting control
operation. Do not use aluminium duct tape.
11. Secure the Wall Control body to the
mounting plate by replacing the locking
screw removed earlier.
12.Replace the ISD electrical box cover.
Remote Air Temperature Sensor/s
The air temperature sensor is by default
located in the Wall plaque. Optional remote
air temperature sensors are available so that
the measurement of the room temperature
can be taken away from the wall plaque,
eg. elsewhere in the room or in the return
air duct.
Remote sensor's can be plugged directly
into the Controller board (PCB). This
board accepts up to four sensors which
are designated as 'zones' one to four. The
first return air sensor will automatically
replace the Wall Control sensor and should
be located in the same room as the Wall
Control. The Controller will always use the
average of the zones selected. Refer to the
separate installation instructions supplied
with the PCB for further details.
Ensure all remote sensor wires are run
separately and away from main power
supply wires, including the interconnecting
The safety drain tray is best secured to the
ISD unit
after the unit has been suspended
in the ceiling, however it is possible to fit it
before if circumstances make this easier.
1. Unscrew the supporting brackets from
their temporary shipping position, inside
the drain tray, and retain the screws.
2. The drain tray has pre-drilled holes
designed to align with the screws on the
unit. One at a time, remove a screw from
each bottom corner of the ISD unit and fit
a bracket using the same screws.
3. Position the drain tray’s pipe exit so it is
at the same end as the ISD unit’s drain
pipe exit.
4. Supporting the drain tray from
underneath, then secure the drain tray to
each bracket using the supplied screws.