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Via della Tecnica, 3 - 36030 VILLAVERLA (Vicenza) Italy
n ormati e note on t e model W
welder s elmet W
sel darkenin lter.
ote t e terms mask and lter are used in t e te t t at ollows.
e mask model W
is in compliance wit t e
uropean tandard t e lter model W
is in compliance wit t e
tandard ersonal eye protection utomatic weldin lters and wit w at is prescri ed y t e
e erence tandard.
erall dimensions
isual area
uminous state
ark state
- Switching time:
0.1 ms
elay rom dark state to luminous
. s
witc on switc o
- Light sensors:
2 sensors
ower supply
lit ium solar cell com ination
peratin temperature
reser ation temperature
ask users must read, learn and respect t e asic rules i en in t is manual.
e radiation emitted y t e electric arc durin weldin can dama e t e eyes and urn t e skin. n addition, weldin produces sparks and drops o
molten metal t at y in all directions.
e protecti e mask must e worn to a oid potentially serious p ysical dama es.
o not, or any reason, set re to t e weldin mask ecause t e smoke it produces will dama e t e eyes and ody i in aled.
e material used to make t e w ole mask does not endan er people or t e en ironment.
e ularly c eck t e conditions o t e mask
e ore usin it, make sure t at t e lter lass is in t e correct position and correctly ed in place it must e e actly in t e space descri ed.
eep t e mask away rom ames.
e mask must not e placed too close to t e weldin area.
W en weldin or e tended periods, occasionally c eck t e mask to make sure t ere are no si ns o de ormation or deterioration.
u jects wit particularly sensiti e skin must take e tra care materials t at may come into contact wit t e skin can cause aller ic reactions.
is sel darkenin mask is omolo ated only or protectin t e ace and eyes rom ultra iolet and in rared radiation, rom sparks and weldin sprays.
t is not suita le or laser weldin and o y acetylene weldin and cuttin or or protectin t e ace a ainst e plosions or corrosi e li uids.
nly replace mask parts wit ot ers t at are speci ed in t is manual. on o ser ance o t is re ulation can e pose t e operator to ealt risks.
t e mask does not darken or presents operation pro lems, re er to t e
c apter i t e pro lem persists immediately stop usin
t e mask and contact t e person in c ar e or a distri utor.
o not immerse t e lter in water or ot er li uids do not use sol ents to clean t e lter.
nly use t e mask in temperatures o etween
nly store t e mask in temperatures o etween
o not allow t e lter to come into contact wit li uid and dirt.
o not open t e lter container.
e er use t e mask wit out t e internal and e ternal transparent lter protections.
o not use replacement parts ot er t an t ose ori inal
W .
naut orized modi cations and replacement parts will oid t e warranty and e pose t e operator to t e risk o personal injury.
o protect your sa ety and to ensure t at t e weldin autodarkenin lter works preperly, read t ese instructions care ully and consult wit a uali ed
instructor or super isor e ore startin to work.
ese lters can e used in all weldin processes, wit t e e ception o o y acetylene weldin and laser weldin .
e standard clear polycar onate protecti e plate s ould e t on ot sides o t e lters.
ailure to use protecti e plates can e a sa ety azard or cause irrepara le dama e to t e module.
re uently c eck t e mask components and replace any worn or dama ed parts.
eplace t e e ternal internal transparent lter protection i it is roken, scored, scratc ed and out o s ape. ama ed protections impair t e ision o
t e user, w ic lowers mask protection to a dan erous le el.
e ularly clean t e lter sur ace wit a so t clot and a non a ressi e cleanin solution, or e ample one or cleanin lass do not pour t e product
directly onto t e lter .
et into t e a it o makin sure t at t e solar cells and t e sensors a e not darkened or are not co ered in dirt. t ey a e or i t ey are, clean t em
wit a so t paper tissue, i necessary sli tly dampened wit a preparation or cleanin lass do not pour t e product directly onto t e lter .
e mask must always and only e used to protect t e ace and eyes durin weldin . t was desi ned to uarantee ma imum protection durin weldin , to
e easy to assem le, com orta le to wear and o top uality w en used.
e mask and conse uently t e lter lass iewin area, must e kept as close as possi le to t e eyes durin weldin , in order to protect t em rom t e
electric arc and possi le drops o molten metal.
ter usin t e mask and e ore puttin it away a ter workin , it must e c ecked to eri y inte rity and to eliminate any drops o molten metal t at may e
present on t e iewin lter, w ic can reduce its isual per ormance.
e mask must e placed in a way t at does not allow its dimensions to de orm permanently, or t e iewin lter to reak.
e ore startin to weld make sure t at t e lter and t e internal and e ternal transparent protections are correctly positioned.
Table 1
gives the recommended
s ade num ers or usin an electric arc weldin mac ine to carry out common jo s and t e di erent weldin current intensity le els. ake sure t at t e
current intensity and weldin procedure are suita le or t e s ade
luminous protection le el o t e lter. e ore usin , carry out a test wit an arc strike.
ome common pro lems listed elow, to et er wit t eir possi le solutions, can arise w en usin t e mask
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Содержание TW121
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