Users Manual
If the ModemUSB/G10 modem connects to the Internet, indicator denoted as
Disconnected on the left corner of MCT window turns green and will be denoted as Connected.
When connected to the Internet, on the left side of MCT you will be able to monitor
downloaded/uploaded traffic, upload/download speed and time while connected.
In order to disconnect from the Internet, click Disconnect in the main Modem Control Tool
Sending SMS
With ModemUSB/G10 you can send and receive SMS messages. Before sending/receiving
SMS messages you must disconnect from Internet! In order to send SMS, click SMS in the main
MCT window. A Short message service window will open.
In the opened window, enter the receiver’s phone number in the Phone number field. “+“is
entered automatically. The message text is entered in the Message text field. Message can be of 160
characters. If you tick the Use extended character set, you will be able to use specific symbols in your
message, but the number of characters will be reduced to 70.
If you want to look for received, read or sent SMS messages, click Unread, Read or Sent in
the Short message service window. If you want to forward or reply, double click on the message. A
Message window will appear.