IPDP - installation and operating instructions
7 – In default is status of DoorPhone signalling acoustically. If signalling makes
problem, so this signalling others tones prohibited.
8 – Default value – presetings to the firm settings. After making changes use
the save changes button.
3.2.4 Direct Dialing – Memories
After making changes use the save changes button.
1 – telephone number up to 16 digits, we want to store. The numbers are the
numbers of the first group or numbers of Day mode. In default setting is
table memoirs empty. While using setting P2P to the memoirs saves IP
address e.g . 192*168*1*250, where „*“ means „.“ , while using SIP proxy
server to the memoirs saves phone number e.g. 117.
2 – telephone number up to 16 digits, we want to store. The numbers are the
numbers of the second group or numbers of Night mode. In default setting
is table memoirs empty. While using setting P2P to the memoirs saves IP
address e.g . 192*168*1*250, where „*“ means „.“ , while using SIP proxy
server to the memoirs saves phone number e.g . 117.
Note: The switchover to Day/Night mode remains set in DoorPhone even
after power supply disconnection.
3 – Default value – presetings to the firm settings. After making changes use
the save changes button.