GE864-QUAD Automotive V2 Hardware User Guide
1vv0300840 Rev.0.1 24/11/09
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1 Overview
The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing a product with the
Telit GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
In this document all the basic functions of a mobile phone module will be taken into account; for each one of
them a proper hardware solution will be suggested and eventually the wrong solutions and common errors to be
avoided will be evidenced. Obviously this document cannot embrace the whole hardware solutions and products
that may be designed. The wrong solutions to be avoided shall be considered as mandatory, while the
suggested hardware configurations shall not be considered mandatory, instead the information given shall be
used as a guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the
Telit GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
module. For further hardware details that may not be explained in this document refer to the Telit
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2 Product Description document where all the hardware information is reported.
(EN) The integration of the GSM/GPRS
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
cellular module within user application
shall be done according to the design rules described in this manual.
(IT) L’integrazione del modulo cellulare GSM/GPRS
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
dell’applicazione dell’utente dovrà rispettare le indicazioni progettuali descritte in questo manuale.
(DE) Die integration des
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
GSM/GPRS Mobilfunk-Moduls in ein Gerät muß
gemäß der in diesem Dokument beschriebenen Kunstruktionsregeln erfolgen
(SL) Integracija GSM/GPRS
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
modula v uporabniški aplikaciji bo morala
upoštevati projektna navodila, opisana v tem piro
(SP) La utilización del modulo GSM/GPRS
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
debe ser conforme a los usos para
los cuales ha sido deseñado descritos en este manual del usuario.
(FR) L’intégration du module cellulaire GSM/GPRS
GE864-QUAD Automotive V2
dans l’application de
l’utilisateur sera faite selon les règles de conception décrites dans ce manuel.
The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is
assumed by Telit Communications S.p.A. for its use, nor any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of
Telit Communications S.p.A. other than for circuitry embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to
change without notice.
GE864-QUAD Automotive