GC864-QUAD-C2/PY-C2 Hardware User Guide
1vv0300744 Rev.1 - 24/10/06
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13 DAC and ADC section
The GC864-C2 module provides:
11-bit Analog to Digital Converters
on board (CS1230 , PL103 pin26-pin27-pin28) .
The ADCs are able to read a voltage level in the range of 0÷2 volts applied on the ADC pin input,
store and convert it into 11 bit word.
10 bit Digital to Analog Converter
This DAC is able to generate a analogue value based a specific input in the range from 0 up to
1023 , with a suitable external low-pass filter .
For more information about level specifications, the use of GPIO Pad as INPUT/OUTPUT, please refer
GE864 Hardware User Guide.