Telit EVK2 User Guide
1vv0300704 Rev.13- 2012/06/25
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved
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Interface connectors
The following connectors are available:
male connectors (30
PTH pins each one: PL101, PL102
), by which it is possible to connect
external devices, user’s application, Telit extension boards, measurements equipment or
other tools;
female connectors (40 PTH pins each one: CON102, CON103), to connect the interface to
the EVK2 mother board circuits (power supply lines, serial in/out lines, audio in/out lines);
2 USB connectors (selectable by Jumper Setting)
For additional details on the connections and the possible Jumper settings please refer to the
Interface board User guide (1vv0300771)
Content of the kit
Please check out the contents of your interface kit; if any of the items is missing, please
contact your supplier.
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