660 Giguere Court
San Jose, CA 95133 USA
+1 408-929-4400
Products sold by Telewave, Inc. and covered by this Warranty are warranted to be
free from defects in material and work man ship at the time of and for a period of
one (1) year after delivery to the Buyer. Seller’s entire warranty obligation is limited
to making adjustments by repair, replacement, or refunding the purchase price of
any product which is returned to the Seller as provided below within one (1) year
from the date of shipment by the Seller. In no event shall Seller be liable for direct,
special, or consequential damages for breach of warranty.
Adjustment will not be allowed for products which have been damaged by lightning,
subjected to abuse, im prop er application or installation, alteration or accident, or
negligence in use, storage, trans por ta tion or han dling. Alteration or removal of
the serial number or identifi cation markings voids the Warranty. Seller shall have
the right of fi nal determination as to the existence and cause of a defect, whether
adjustment will be allowed, and if allowed, whether adjustment will be by repair,
replacement, or refund. Where adjustment is not allowed, a charge of 5% of the
original purchase price will be made to the Buyer to cover the Seller’s cost of in-
spection and handling.
Shipping and packaging instructions must be obtained from the Seller before prod-
ucts are returned for ad just ment. The Buyer will pay for packing, transportation,
and transit insurance costs for returned products. The Seller reserves the right to
dis con tin ue models at any time or change spec i fi ca tions, design, or price without
notice and without incurring any obligation. Products will be returned to the Buyer
with trans por ta tion cost collect.
Subject to the provisions of its “Patent Indemnity” clause, the Seller also warrants
that it has the right to sell its products, that the Buyer shall have and enjoy quite
possession thereof as against any lawful claims existing at the time of the sale by
the Seller, and that said products are free from any charge of encumbrance in favor
of third persons existing at the time of sale by the Seller.
The foregoing constitutes the Seller’s entire warranty, express, implied or statutory
with respect to its products and states the full extent of its liability for breach of War-
ranty and for damages, whether direct, special or consequential resulting form any
such breach. No change what so ev er thereto shall be binding upon the seller unless
made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Seller.