The ZipLine antennas allow up to 15 degrees variation in between the
Remote and Master units left/right and up/down. Your aiming does not
have to be perfect to have the system work. You can essentially “eyeball
them in” and get a good, stable signal.
For example, if your ZipLine Remote and Master units are 500
yards/meters apart, and one is mounted 5 feet higher than the other, and
the left/right angle is out by 3 or 4 degrees, you will still have a good
stable link.
Startup / Testing
Once the ZipLine Ethernet eXtreme radios have been installed and
aligned, you may test the system by plugging in a computer at the remote
end and powering it up. It should behave exactly as if it was being used in
the main location.
If you are using the RJ45 data connection as well, you should be able to
use your computer in exactly the same way you would at the other end.
A good check is to get internet access on a laptop at the Master location
end, and simply move the laptop across to the Remote end location and
plug it in. If everything works the same, you are done. If you need
additional tips, see the “Basic Troubleshooting” section, below.
Signal Strength
If you have a laptop, and want to access the internal signal strength utility
inside the ZipLine Ethernet Extreme, you can do so by opening up a
browser window (Internet Explorer, or Firefox) and enter in one of the
following IP addresses in the browser address bar (where you usually
enter a website address):
Enter this if you are at the Master
Enter this if you are at the Remote